A tale in the desert guide
A tale in the desert guide

a tale in the desert guide

a tale in the desert guide

One of the tests in Leadership, the Test of the Demi-Pharaoh, requires the player to be elected among all their peers the reward, accordingly, is the ability to ban seven players from the game.

  • The Leadership discipline is much like the Harmony discipline in that the participant is required to know his or her fellow players, but rather than predicting their actions, one must influence them positively.
  • They include Marriage, where a player gives reciprocal access to their account and goods to another, as well as Mentorship, which requires players to enter the mentoring island and assist someone in becoming a citizen.
  • The Harmony discipline, new to the third Telling, is generally focused around knowing one's fellow players many of these were based on a discussion at the Ludium game developer conference.
  • a tale in the desert guide

    These games, such as variants on checkers and euchre, are now played in weekly or biweekly tournaments.


    The now-defunct Conflict discipline, removed in the third Telling to make way for Harmony, was centred around the pursuit of excellence in a series of games, generally with perfect information.Some of the challenges within involve finding 28 different varieties of mushroom, or deducing the locations of cicadas hidden by other players. The Body Discipline is focused around surveying the land, both socially and geographically, to determine where various resources are.The Art Discipline is primarily based around creative expression in a limited framework, with players building mosaics, breeding scarabs for colour and pattern, forming fireworks out of basic materials, or creating detailed sculptures.The secondary goal of Architecture is to complete these projects as simply and efficiently as possible, which can require substantial planning, trading, and cooperation. The Architecture Discipline is based on building large and potentially ornate structures, such as a useful aqueduct or an exceptional burial temple.Beyond those initiations, seven challenges exist for each discipline, arranged into themes: Of these, the first in each group is a trivial request, intended to introduce players to the discipline - the group that challenge is in.

    a tale in the desert guide

    The majority of ATITD challenges take the form of 56 defined "Tests", separated into several groups. Finally, the legal system also requires a great deal of cooperation between players, as a petition must be spread, signed, and returned with a certain threshold of signatures. The legal system as currently defined can only restrict players' options, alter ownership rights, or change a minor portion of a challenge however, within those options, the possibilities have not been exhausted. With the legal system, players have the option to create petitions of various types, from the redistribution of expired accounts' materials, the direct ban of a player, or even a change in an avatar's sex. Upon reaching the mainland, the first goal of most players is to begin the central challenges of the game (Tests), find public resources, and expand upon what knowledge they have while integrating themselves into the community at large.ĪTITD has a legal system, a controlled variant on Nomic which is generally restricted by what the developers can code, as well as the nature of such a system. When a new player exits the welcoming island, they may immediately begin trekking around to look for a suitable settlement location or community. After completing a series of tasks given to them, players may make their way to the mainland and begin the real game. Ī recurring theme is a "newbie island" which established players can enter at any time: this allows them to train new players at their own leisure, and introduce them to the specifics of the game. Additionally, there are sufficient activities to be learned and performed that it is considered exceedingly difficult to be a Jack of all trades: this too lends itself to a much more social aspect. There is an in-game economy, including an amount of regional or global trade however, there is no official, backed currency for the most part, and efforts to implement them have met with little success. Within a Telling, players can write, introduce, and pass laws (including player bans), and make feature requests. The game's main focuses are building, community, research and personal or group challenges called "Tests".ĪTitD has a global foregame, midgame, and endgame: on average so far, every year and a half the game ends, achievements are tabulated, and a new "Telling" begins, with certain modifications requested by the player base. Instead, a variety of social activities provide for the basis of most interaction in the game. A Tale in the Desert is a social MMORPG which does not include combat.

    A tale in the desert guide